Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Sycophant Circus

I'm so indecisive the last few days, it's making me crazy. Every time I make a decision, almost immediately I want to recant and do the opposite. And over stupid arbitrary things like, does this track work on this playlist or is this other one better? Should I bring or buy my lunch? Should I walk Mavis down this street or this one? My neighbor probably thought I was nuts turning first one way and the other for a solid 20 seconds last night. Everything is in a fog or Stretch Armstronged in every direction. Where's a twin when you need one?

PS. A Big Big thank you to Melina at Owl and Penguin for making me laugh with a link to a hilarious editorial on pretty blogs. I liken my blog to the nerdy kid dressed in unlabeled thrift wear in a sea of Jake Ryans. They're both super pretty to look at but way out of my league and unless I give away my internet panties and Farmer Ted strikes a deal, never the twain shall meet.

(Sometimes a friend and I will, together on the phone, read through A Field Journal, admiring and feeling inadequate, enjoying the company of misery, like some kind of twisted asexual phone sex....Theoretically, you could do all this — you, too, could (and should) be living a beautiful life. But most of us are simply not skillful enough, or committed enough to beauty or, as I always end up morosely chastising myself, pure enough of heart to attain it — let alone make it look so good online. Some of us have to watch SVU reruns instead. Yes, maybe I might use someone's idea for a cupcake decoration or whip out the occasional homemade card. But it's not the same. It just reminds me that I'm falling short of the Lifestyle.

Typhoon - White Liars
Stornoway - Fuel Up
The Crayon Fields - Take Me Where The Light Isn't Cruel
Local Natives - Sun Hands
Hunting// - WE//ARE//ANIMALS
Little Comets - One Night in October
Ariel Pink's Haunted Graffiti- Bright Lit Blue Skies
The Black Heart Procession - When You Finish Me
Zola Jesus - Manifest Destiny
Phantogram - Mouthful of Diamonds
Au Revoir Simone - Shadows [Jens Lekman remix]
The Mynabirds - Let The Record Go
King Charles - Love Lust
ELO - Shine A Little Love
The Bobby Fuller Four - Let Her Dance
Trouble Andrew [ft Santogold]- Bang Bang
Big Pink - Velvet
The Dead Weather - I Cut Like A Buffalo
Band of Skulls - Friends
Local Natives - Airplanes
Belle & Sebastian - Judy And The Dream Of Horses
Beach House - Take Care
Broken Social Scene - Anthems For a Seventeen Year Old Girl
Stornoway - I Saw You Blink
Youth Sports - Dream Girl [New Version]

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